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Stuff The Bus Thank You

Hurricane Sandy Disaster Relief


We can’t hope to thank everyone: The recordkeeping of names for an effort this fast (that has grown this quickly) isn’t completely possible. However, we want to acknowledge some pretty helpful friends:


First and foremost: Shultz Transportation in Willow Street.  They took a step in faith that a very expensive bus would be well cared-for, well driven, and returned in one piece. They surely get asked a lot, and must say no a lot. But this time they filled her up, put an Easy Pass in, delivered her and handed me the keys. And tonight (11/10) I noticed some donated items in the back.


Providence Autos gave us a couple of their nice window markers so that we could decorate the bus.


Mark, our neighbor across the street, let us park a vehicle on his grass to help direct traffic.


CPRS (Physical Therapy), our neighbor at the far end of the block, let us park a big bus and sign on their lawn.


Audrey and Arnold Goss spent an hour and a half picking up and towing a big sign.


Kathy Lesher worked to secure volunteers.

Roger Kresge work to secure media coverage.

The Southwest District office of the United Methodist Church made online contributions a reality.

Home Depot on Fruitville Pike gave us a gift card.

Alex Cuebas will drive us there and back.


There are more…